

[Organizers ]

Meet our team

Rina Patel:

For much who has been given, much shall give back. Rina Patel is a South Asian woman working on removing the cultural stigma of her own culture taught her. Growing up in India and later migrating to the United States she experienced limitations being a girl. Now raising a family has allowed Rina to work on empowering her children and community. Rina’s ultimate goal in life is to work on providing equal opportunity for her children and for generations to come. While at the same time helping bring consciousness and healing into her daily practice. Rina embarked on a healing journey while living in the US and that is when she began to face her own fears and challenges, this allows her to give more and align her values with her mission. Rina works with the community on fundraisers to help marginalized women and in parallel works on the largest global forum for young leaders, Rina plans on bringing her collective consciousness and skills to help empower her own daughter and generations to come. Ultimately, through the Women Ambassadors Forum she hopes to support and work on building the next generation of advocates, leaders and healers that this world needs.

Kim Linton

Kim Linton is a Certified Dare To Lead™ Facilitator, Owner of 1Light Daring Leadership & Facilitation, and an active advocate for the Tampa Bay region. She chose to dedicate the next chapter of her career to men and women who are just like her: those of us who just want to show up in the world and do the right thing.

Kim believes in intentional, iterative work done by people who are brave with their lives, engage in tough conversations, and lead with whole hearts. “There’s a light inside each and every one of us. Shine on.”

Aanya Patel

Currently enrolled in Hillsborough High School IB Program, as a teenager Aanya Patel is looking for ways to break the barriers other girls her age face while also bringing new perspectives to the table. Through the Women Ambassadors Forum Aanya hopes to introduce her generation to advocacy. Aanya is passionate about climate change and is looking for mentors and role models to work with.


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