
Ali Matalon

[ Founder of CorpCare Social Impact Consultants Ltd. ]

Ali Matalon is a young Jamaican dedicated to the political, economic and social development of her country through ethical, collective and long-term actions.

Ali currently serves as the Policy Advisor to the Leader of the Opposition at the Office of the Leader of the Opposition. She is also the Founder and Managing Director of CorpCare Social Impact Consultants Ltd. Ali holds a Masters in Public Administration from Columbia University with expertise in Urban and Social Policy. Her passion for human-centered design and policy were nurtured during her time at Northeastern University’s Social Enterprise Institute and later as an Advocacy Support Specialist with the United Nations High-Level Panel on Women’s Economic Empowerment.

Ali manages several large-scale projects inclusive of the World Economic Forum’s Global Shapers Kingston Hub youth mentorship programme “Project MENd”. She is CSR certified and was recently named an Eisenhower Youth Leader for her work developing CorpCare and goals to use that work to sensitize the corporate world in Jamaica. Ali believes in the power of collective action and community development. She is one of the cofounders of the Citizens Response JA network, aimed at delivering homegrown solutions to the crises brought on islandwide by the covid-19 pandemic.

She is an avid follower of the news, passionate about spoken word poetry, loves fitness and is her happiest hanging out with friends and family. She is always excited to meet new people, connect over shared passions and ideas!

[ Releated Sessions ]

All Sessions by Ali Matalon

Day 1
Map and Activate an Adovacy Network (Developed country vs Undeveloped country) 12:20


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